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From: Glen Wheaton
Date: 10-02-2014 12:48:00 pm

Subject: Interesting Background That Makes Walt Disney World Unique


Interesting Background That Makes Walt Disney World Unique

By Glen Wheaton

You can examine the origins of any successful company to see the philosophies behind what made them successful. It's no different when you look into the past of Walt Disney World and the philosophies of the truly entrepreneurial Walt Disney. He definitely had a vision, but even more than that he had a sense of what the general public wanted. Here I would like to talk about three examples of what makes Walt Disney World unique.

1 His true sense of "branding". Today as people market themselves through social media, branding something, that is associating a name with the concept one is trying to market, has become very common. True entrepreneurs like Walt Disney understood this concept many years ago. You would have to be a very knowledgeable Disney person to recognize the names of some of the brilliant people who were behind the many Disney concepts. Only the name Walt Disney stands out.

Before Walt passed away in the 1960s there was some thought that the company should be promoting some of the other people who were behind the creativity. Logically, they thought that if the general public and just as importantly the financial backers knew who the capable people were and that they were still going to continue the excellence there would be a sense of continuity. Mr. Disney nixed the idea. He understood that the name Walt Disney was no longer about him personally, but a brand and an image that was high quality.

2. Disney as a storyteller. As opposed to many parks that offer rides for thrills, Disney's rides typically tell a story. But the interesting part of that is that we seldom get the entire story in one ride. Each time you go on a ride you get snippets of information, or just enough to get a feel for what's going on. But with Walt's vision he felt that would only entice people to come back to that same ride to get more of the story.

3. The theme parks as a journey, not a destination. From the beginning Walt Disney thought of his theme parks as never finished. They were ongoing projects that were always going to be in the building stages. This might not seem like such novel concept in our world today, but when he was starting to build his parks in the 1950s this was virtually unheard of. At that time, amusement areas were built and then the investors reaped the benefits. The idea of constant reinvestment probably would only come from a true innovator and not a financial person.

If you are planning a vacation to this spectacular area, our? article ?on Orlando will give you some interesting information on Disney World. You can find more about Florida on our site? http://whattoseeinflorida.com/ ?and we welcome you to take a look. Glen Wheaton is an avid traveler and writer living in Chicago.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Glen_Wheaton


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Disney Travel -    07-09-2007 12:27:11 pm
      Interesting Background That Makes Walt Disney World Unique - Glen Wheaton   10-02-2014 12:48:00 pm



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