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Tigger is an exuberant, one-of-a-kind creature with the famously springy tail. He acts on every impulse, and his boisterous manner often leads him to leap before he looks.

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Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
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WOW, What a week in Vancouver


At it is not even at the mid point!!
I have followed the Olympics for years but this past few days have been the most exciting I can remember in a long time.

Jennifer has always followed the figure skating religiously, but the competition between the USA and Russian Federation was incredible!  Even though
Evan Lysacek pumping the air in victory! Evan Lysacek pumping the air in victory! - WOW, What a week in Vancouver - At it is not even at the mid point!!
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Evan Lysacek pumping the air in victory!
Lysacek won the highly deserved Gold Medal, Plushenko seemed to defy gravity as he floated through the air over the ice.  Both of these athletes were incredible to watch!

As Plushenko went through the motions of the medal ceremony we felt his pain.  He was such a hero to stand there in Silver position.  We feel for you!

Watching Lysacek was no less exciting.  As he received his high marks it seemed like he was working so hard to stay calm while the competition was getting his marks.  Then when the numbers came, the near explosion was great as you could almost hear him think, "Wait is my math right?"  
Shaun White... AIR TIME... what more is there to say! Shaun White... AIR TIME... what more is there to say! - WOW, What a week in Vancouver - At it is not even at the mid point!!
Click to enlarge image

Shaun White... AIR TIME... what more is there to say!
Even his coach had to pause to run the numbers.  We celebrated that win, also!

Speaking of defying gravity, what about that Shaun White in the men's half pipe!  Watching him hang in the air we all held our breath and I found my self pushing on the ottoman in the hopes of staying up there for just a moment longer.  The thing I don't understand, being quite scared of heights, is how he stays so focused and STILL follows through with the incredible twists and turns.  That would be a site to see some day!


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