Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal Adventures and Escapades as Tigger Journeys around the World Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
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Tigger is an exuberant, one-of-a-kind creature with the famously springy tail. He acts on every impulse, and his boisterous manner often leads him to leap before he looks.

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Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
Photos From Tigger`s Travels and MORE!

Click to enlarge image Here is the over all view as compared to our shot gun. - Timber Rattler - One snake down
Click to enlarge image

Here is the over all view as compared to our shot gun.
Click to enlarge image Here is the over all view as compared to our shot gun. - Timber Rattler - One snake downClick to enlarge image I count seven buttons. - Timber Rattler - One snake down

Timber Rattler


One snake down
Okay, So we are installing the septic tank and line for the Earth shelter house.  I asked Adam to run an extension cord down so I could cut the PVC pipe.  The cord, when stretched to the area we were working, went under the corner of a pile of Hardi-Panel that was left over from the siding on the barn and the house.

After about four or 5 hours of working out there, Adam told me that the extension cord was making a buzzing sound or something.  I went up and eased the cord away from the debris with a very long stick.  The buzzing continued despite my shuffling of the pile a little.

Jen said, 'I think that is a Rattle snake.'

After getting the shotgun and loading it to the hilt, I pulled up on a 2x4 that was sticking out the other end of the pile and there he was... a 3 foot PLUS timber rattler doing everything he could to warn us off.

I dropped the board.  The snake was right next to the 2x4 so I shot four times parallel to the board.  Upon lifting the board again, he was unable to shake his lifeless tail but his head was still very alive.  I used the last shot on a direct shot to the head from a range of about 12 inches.  He was dead.  My first Rattle snake and it was a TIMBER RATTLER.... it was an exciting evening!


Date taken: 2009 07 08 18:10 Wednesday

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