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Salzburg, Austria
We found a parking space inside of the mountain, it was very convenient to the festival platz, we walked through the Christmas Market and listen to some great music (Christmas carols). Next we went to the Cathedral. The first Cathedral was constructed in 784 it was a 3 bayed church that was 66 meters long and 33 meters wide. In 1183 a transformation took place, it was restructured to a 5-bayed church that was 112 meters long. On December 11th, 1598 there was a fire that destroyed the entire cathedral.The new Cathedral started in 1614 was designed with the same dimensions found today, It is 99 meters long, transeptal length 68 meters and the nave is 45 meters. It took 14 years to complete construction. On October 16th 1944 the church was bombed by the US Air Force. The dome collapsed and the interior was badly damaged. The final restoration was done in 1959 and the Cathedral was reopened to the public.

The Cathedral Organ and organ's baroque frame are from the original instrument built in 1705. This was impressive there are actually 5 organs a big one in the Organ gallery and 5 sitting in tiers in the gallery. The ceiling frescos in the middle isle shows the tale of Christ passion while the inserts in the ovals Christ performing the miracles. On the side there is an amazing Baptismal. It is one of the greatest treasures  of the cathedral. It was cast in 1321 and depicted bishops and abbots that were relevant in Salzburg history. The crypt below was impressive and I even found a namesake in the crypt with our family crest. That was amazing. My family is originally form Germany and this area and I couldn't believe I found a namesake.  Overall the Cathedral is a must see, it is majestic and impressive and awe inspiring rococo style.


0800 Europe 0800-0263 Austria 0800-0263-7038 Salzburg

Date taken: 2008 08 05 09:07 Tuesday

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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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Click to enlarge image  - Cathedral - Salzburg, Austria
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