Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal Adventures and Escapades as Tigger Journeys around the World Tigger Travels - Family Adventure Journal
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Tigger is an exuberant, one-of-a-kind creature with the famously springy tail. He acts on every impulse, and his boisterous manner often leads him to leap before he looks.

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Office Improvements


Click to enlarge image  - Office Improvements - More Monitors... Better
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Click to enlarge image  - Office Improvements - More Monitors... Better
Click to enlarge image

More Monitors... Better
I have been playing with dual monitors on my new Dell 4600.  I even convinged Jennifer to go to a Multi-monitor setup.  She loves it and would not go back.  

In fact, we are both trying to figure out how to get more monitors. After extensive research on the capabilities of Windows XP (Up to 9 monitors), I purchased a board on eBay to handle the job... I only have one thing to say... oops.  A Colorgraphics Pro Lightning V+ PCI VGA card with quad (4) heads does not work AT ALL in Windows XP.  Fortunately it was cheap.

Next, after putting the ATI Rage 128 Pro for a second monitor, I added a SiS 315E from Tiger Direct (great place).  I put the cards in and the SiS 315E did not work. It made hideous stripes on my screen.  I put the SiS 315E below the ATI 128 Rage Pro card and it worked just fine.... WHEW!!  It looks good.  I will add one more SiS 315E card for the top left monitor.  The top right monitor is actually the Gateway computer to the far left.

I use a great IOGear digital CVM switch and a manual switch (Deep under the left monitor out of site).  Between all the switches and monitors, I control a Windows XP machine, 3 Windows 98SE machines and a Linux machine (currently with a crashed hard drive.. oh well).

Now I guess I have to get back to work.

Oh, and yes, that is a TV on the far left... it's speakers are visible under the Gateway.


Date taken: 2004 08

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